Kahana, M.J.*, Lohnas, L.J.*, Polyn, S.M.* Specialized recall procedures. Preprint: https://psyarxiv.com/dkcq3
Lohnas, L.J. (In press). Temporal associations supporting repetitions in free recall. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.
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Kahana, M. J.*, Lohnas, L. J.*, Healey, M. K., Aka, A., Broitman, A. W., Crutchley, P., et al. (2024). The Penn electrophysiology of encoding and retrieval study. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 50(9), 1421-1433.
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Leeman-Markowski, B., Hardstone, R., Lohnas, L.J., Cowen, B, Davachi, L, Doyle, W, Dugan, P., Friedman, D, Liu, A., Melloni, L., Selesnick, I., Wang, B., Meador, K., Devinsky, O. (2021). Effects of hippocampal interictal discharge timing, duration, and spatial extent on list learning. Epilepsy & Behavior, 123. 1–5.
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